Reignite the Spark In Your Long-Term Relationship and Experience OMG Orgasms

You can finally have the…

Deliciously happy staying in bed on vacation, laughing over coffee, dancing to an old record with no one watching kind of love…

You know, the kind where the hotel asks if you want to upgrade into the honeymoon suite because you’re acting like newlyweds on your 23 vacation together kind of love….

But wondering if you should pay a little extra on the deposit because even though your mornings look like the notebook…

Your night looks more like Bridgerton. 

And the best part, it doesn’t just happen on vacations…

Your nightly dishes routine, something you used to dread is now a nightly romantic check in…

Think his hand on your back and swaying with you while you do the dishes, like your own cheesy rom com…

As long as no one else hears what he’s whispering in your ear because it’s definitely not pg-13.

You deeply desire a relationship rich with intimacy & connection, both on and off the sheets. 

You long for Bridgerton HOT sex combined with The Notebook kind of romance.  

You know that in order to do this, you need to reignite the spark in your LTR that started to drown in your CEO lifestyle. You want to unleash the passion (and OMG orgasms) of your feminine erotic sovereignty. You deeply crave to be wanted, desired and to go back to the good ole days where it felt fresh, exciting and fun.  

You get to have worldly success AND be….

  • Wanted and desired by your partner
  • Excited and passionate about your relationship
  • Connected and in sync with your partner
  • Confident in your ability to communicate and claim your desires
  • Fulfilled and satisfied with your sex life
  • OOOOozing with seduction

The problem is you have basically turned into roommates with your SO. You’ve been together for god knows how long and your sex life got a little ahem “routine” and dare I say boring. Not only that but you’ve both changed so much since you first said “I do.” Sometimes it feels like instead of growing together, you’ve grown apart. 

This makes you question if you’re even destined to be together. From time to time, you may even feel guilty for fantasizing about other men. You feel worried that your relationship might end if things don’t change so you try to “schedule in” sex which seems to take all the fun out of it. You feel frozen, turned off and disconnected. 

Sex shouldn’t feel like a job and just because you’ve been together for a long time doesn’t mean it has to be routine or boring. 

A live 4 month 1:1 container for the woman who wants to experience a wildly passionate relationship from a state of ease, peace and pleasure. 

That’s where UNLEASHED
comes in...

That’s me! I’m in!

Implement strategies to bring excitement, fun, and connection back into your relationship

Reignite the Spark


Overcome the taboo and learn to speak up about what you want in your relationship and sex life.

**** Especially routines ***

Communicate Your Needs AND Develop Routines & Rituals


Learn what pleasure means to you and embrace your feminine erotic sovereignty.

When you can feel the aliveness of the vision in your body, you begin to move toward it. 

Identify (and CLAIM) your core desires and why they are important to you

A lot of women think their sex life has “gone beige” because of their relationship or partner. Or they think that because their career is on fire they have to settle in the bedroom. But the truth is, they have never learned what pleasure means to them. Let’s be honest, the old school Cosmopolitan kind of messed up us millennials. We have been taught that this stuff is “taboo” and we shouldn’t speak up or ask for what we want or need because that's not what good girls do. 


Here’s how you're going to move from roommates to passionate LOVERS:

Time for me to BUST A MYTH…

I have a background deeply rooted in the transformative VITA Method, EFT tapping, intuitive mapping of Human Design, and energy work, I offer a powerful arsenal for woman seeking more in their relationships. 


I’ve experienced the pain of days with my SO feeling like very routine and disconnected.  I wanted to share how I felt but I also feared that he would leave me if I was being "difficult". 

And after hiding for so long it started getting really hard NOT to hide. I was always the strong one, the one that was “put together.”⁣

On paper everything looked “perfect.” I had the doting husband, I homeschooled my son, ran events and retreats, worked with clients, took care of the house, showed up for my friends, took care of our financial health, went on trips for my own growth and always had my own coach. But there was still something missing… and if you’re reading this you might be experiencing that feeling now.

I knew I had to look at that parts that felt really scary to admit out loud and figure out how I was going to communicate that with him.  I had to ask myself if I thought he would actually be able to hold me in all of my shadow AND my light.⁣ And stop assuming he wouldn't based on my own fear.

Soon after all of this came to the surface, I attended a retreat as part of the Sex, Love and Relationship certification program I was doing.⁣ I was in a gorgeous jungle being invited to do the deepest work I had EVER done in my life.

Before our first process my teacher, Layla, shared something that really stuck, “This week is going to be intense and go into the depths because you cannot guide anyone into deeper work than you’ve done for yourself.”  

So I got to make a choice for myself... ⁣

But why me? Because...

⁣Would I choose it again? 1000% ⁣because through all the shaking, the screaming, the “ugly” crying, my body freezing in fear, the laughter... I was held fully, in all of me, which allowed me to hold myself, to see myself fully expressed, without fear.⁣  

My teacher was right, it has enhanced EVERY area of my life, especially my relationship and I know it can do the same for you.

‘Repeat my pattern of only showing the parts I felt I could control’ ⁣OR ⁣‘Evolve and allow myself to be fully seen.’⁣ And with my body literally shaking... I chose the second option. ⁣

I’m a morning person & avid water drinker. I’m here to help you discover your core essence and build the bridge between where you are now and where you desire to be.

My mission is to contribute to a world where women feel safe to harness the wisdom of their bodies and express themselves fully, so they experience more fun, joy, and pleasure in their daily lives.

And I'm all about making big concepts feel cozy and approachable.

I’ve helped dozens of women go from disconnected to claiming the BIGNESS of who they are through the landscape of their nervous system. 

This is your toolbox for not just navigating but thriving in every aspect of life, from the boardroom to the bedroom.

I bring a rich mix of knowledge to guide you through crafting a life filled with ease, pleasure, and those soul-stirring 'aha' moments.

You get to experience daily satisfaction, ignited joy in your relationships, and tuning into your body's wisdom.

Sexuality & Relationship coach, pleasure alchemist & embodiment guide for women.

hey, i'm amber Kay.

The method used in this container offers liberation, inviting you to free yourself from your limiting beliefs and conditioning.

We’ll work with all levels of the nervous system so you can begin to integrate that you are free from the paradigm that you need to be at war with yourself, and instead, trust that all parts of you are conscious and alive. 

Your transformation will come from bringing all parts of yourself into integrated and deep alignment. 

We’ll utilize things like breathwork, sounding, movement, mindfulness, and energy in this container.

There are 12 live sessions within Unleashed and you’ll want to set aside at least 1-½ hours for each session.  (All calls are live and not recorded)

3 out of the 12 calls will be with a guest specialist.

What you’ll accomplish inside UNLEASHED…

A live 4 month 1:1 container for the woman who wants to experience a wildly passionate relationship from a state of ease, peace and pleasure. 



“When I began working with Amber, I felt like I wasn’t safe being sexually expressed. I worried that women would hate me, and I would subject myself to a lot of things that felt terrifying; so, I dimmed my light. . . and I avoided deep connection.
I’m AMAZED how Amber was able to help me deeply connect to the power of my sexual energy in a way that has shown me NOT ONLY IS IT SAFE, BUT BEING FULLY EXPRESSED SEXUALLY IS WHAT WOMEN MOST WANT AND NEED FROM ME. She helped me simplify what was once so confusing. She guided me to feel powerful in the areas that used to make me shrink and deplete my energy.
She taught me how to trust that when I allow my sexuality to infuse into everything I do, the joy comes. . . the clarity comes. . . the creativity comes. . . the confidence comes. . . and life starts to feel like a fun place where I want to explore."



“I had heard of somatic healing but never really practiced it. It is so amazing how much difference it makes when you release through movement. I embraced somatic healing and learned amazing tools to utilize in my life. I started to attract and grow and my relationships improved.

What Amber shares is amazing. It's genuine and it's healing. The connection you have to feel seen, heard and loved is truly wonderful.

The tools you learn will heal your life in so many areas. And it's so exciting to step into the feminine energy and embrace it and love it.”


“Working with Amber has been nothing short of AMAZING. Her ability to hold space with a complete energy of safety and compassion is priceless. My first session with her felt like talking to a close friend! 

The depth of her ability to ask the questions to really bring clarity to the issue at hand that I came to her with was a game changer and she helped me in developing a plan to break through the blocks that I was struggling with. I can’t recommend her enough.”

A cashflow friendly payment plan




Save $200 when you pay in full. Plus get two extra 1:1 calls with me.


one-time payment of


Ready to claim your most exquisite expression and journey back to your most turned on life that is BURSTING with rapture, ease and orgasms?!?

*affirm option available*

Save $300 when you pay in full. 

Includes all program bonuses, $2500 toward a group retreat or another offer I have PLUS two extra 1:1 calls with me.

*Payment plan available*


one-time payment of

VIP Upgrade

valued at $222

Achieve newfound confidence in your intimate life and work with two pre-recorded practices, taking you from the initial exploration of self-pleasure to the powerful practice of sex magick.

These practices are your tools for enhancing your personal satisfaction, deepening your connection with yourself, and manifesting through pleasure.

2 Pre-Recorded Practices

valued at $1197

Receive personalized guidance tailored just for you.

These sessions are your golden ticket to accelerating you towards emotional liberation and creative empowerment, offering intimate, bespoke support that can pivot your life towards ease, pleasure and joy.

Pay In Full


Total Value

*Total value with the VIP Upgrade $6919*


“The thing is, my life is already good. It’s fine, I had no reason to complain. And yet I was bored and restless. I am single, and navigating how I want my future to look in the context of a relationship. 

I’ve been exploring my sensuality and sexuality through movement practices. I had a lot of theoretical knowledge that wasn’t helping me heal or move forward. I needed help with the actual implementation.

And wow, SO MUCH was accomplished in our time together!!! So much integration of the sacred sexuality material that I had studied. So much integration of the masculine and feminine stories. So much childhood wounding brought forth and up and out and healed.  

I am so impressed that Amber was able to hold space for me to go so deeply, and able to read the energy to know when to give me space to rest, and to adjust plans to correspond to my needs and abilities. It was a perfect dance. It was truly beautiful.”



“Leading up to my session with Amber I noticed a panic arising in my body when having certain conversations with my husband. We were able to explore what was going on with my inner child and find ways to remedy the panic I was feeling. 

By the end of the session, I felt SO MUCH BETTER. It truly is incredible how impactful her work is. Although I logically knew what was going on, I wasn't able to work through it until I had Amber's support. 

The best part was, although we were exploring deep topics, Amber had a way of keeping things fun and light with lots of laughs mixed throughout. 

Thank you Amber! I highly recommend anyone considering working with her to go for it! Amber's space holding is a beautiful balance of depth and lightness cocooned in a blanket of safety that gives you real, noticeable results.”


"Working with Amber Kay provided so many breakthroughs and gifts, I hardly know where to start... 

The best way I can say it is that it was like my soul received a soothing massage. She worked out the kinks, tight spots, and resistance that I didn't even know were there. 

What I do know is that I felt so much better afterwards and that feeling has stayed. Amber helped me return to my center. 

She does this work in the most beautiful, kind way. I felt held, guided, and respected through each step. It was gentle yet provided the most powerful impact. Amber's gifts transcend words, but work with her and you'll feel it. It's incredible and I'm so grateful to experience it!" 


While UNLEASHED is designed to be enriching and enjoyable, your personal commitment and openness to the process are key to experiencing transformative results. 

The program encourages active participation and self-exploration, but it's tailored to be nurturing and supportive, ensuring the effort you put in feels rewarding and not burdensome.

What kind of effort do I need to put in to see results?


Investing in UNLEASHED is investing in your personal and professional growth.

The program offers transformative tools and experiences that have a lasting impact on your life and well-being. 

I offer payment plans to make it more accessible (including affirm).
This is an investment in a more fulfilled, empowered, and joyous you.

The program sounds great, but Is it worth the investment?


UNLEASHED is majorly focused on body based coaching.  Of course there is always room for mindset work here too but that will only get you so far.

This container is specifically designed to integrate changes at a somatic level, ensuring that the shifts are not just cognitive but are deeply felt and lived in your body on a daily basis.




UNLEASHED is uniquely designed to empower you in both personal and professional spheres by fostering a deeper connection with your inner self.

Through a blend of practices, you'll learn to tap into your creative and erotic sovereignty, which not only elevates joy but also enhances your leadership and vision.

This holistic approach can enhance your capacity to hold more success and build meaningful relationships in your professional life, all from a place of balanced well-being.

How can unleashed specifically help in enhancing my personal and professional life?


UNLEASHED stands out due to its unique focus on body wisdom, sensual empowerment, and holistic well-being.

It's not just about cognitive understanding; it's about experiencing and embodying change.
This approach combines various techniques like somatic healing, inner child work, and sensual empowerment, all tailored to help you reclaim your power and pleasure in life.

How does UNLEASHED differ from other personal development programs?


This is decided once you and I have had our first call so I can feel into the energy to see who would be the best fit.

*These bonus calls are recorded.*

I'll send out a Doodle poll for you to fill out and from there I'll choose a standing call time.

Who are the guest experts?

When will the calls be held?


No, due to the nature of the container none of calls will be recorded.

Will the calls be recorded?


You can achieve all this and more. And, you won't be alone.

Experiencing more pleasure and orgasms

Returning to your center and having confidence in your ability to self-resource from your own energy.

Experiencing improved relationships in your life because you are more deeply connected with yourself

Awakening more creativity by being deeply connected to the power of your sexual energy


A cashflow friendly payment plan




Save $200 when you pay in full. Plus get two extra 1:1 calls with me.


one-time payment of


Ready to claim your most exquisite expression and journey back to your most turned on life that is BURSTING with rapture, ease and orgasms?!?

*affirm option available*

Save $300 when you pay in full. 

Includes all program bonuses, $2500 toward a group retreat or another offer I have PLUS two extra 1:1 calls with me.

*Payment plan available*


one-time payment of

VIP Upgrade


“I would highly recommend working with Amber. Anyone can benefit from her work, if they are seeking to transform, be inspired, and wondering how to harness their sacred power. 

Even women who feel as though they are quite knowledgeable--like myself-- have so much to learn from her. It is invaluable to learn from someone such as herself who truly does it all! She has her toes in so many esoteric teachings, pathways, and tool sets, it's truly incredible! 

I cannot say enough about how much I love this woman. She is beautiful inside and out.”



“I've found some massive differences in how I just go through my daily life. Amber does such a great job with holding space for me and helping me process and see things from a different angle and different perspective.
I have gone through some big changes and big things coming up in my life. And I just don't think I'd be feeling as good as I do right now if it wasn't for her. So, I just wanted to thank her and if anyone's out there, just to let you know that she's the real deal, and I appreciate her so much."


Harness Your Erotic Energy for Lasting Success inside unleashed

Got questions? I'm happy to answer them, just book a short call with me by clicking the button below. 

Let's Chat!